Trial for Setting-up of Biotechnology Laboratory in SUCs in the Philippines for Kuroshio Science Research Network


Satoshi Kubota, Sam Edward Manalili, Joshua Vacarizas, Teresa N Avila, Katrina L Canon, Plutomeo M Nieves


To strengthen research collaborations in the Kuroshio Science Network, we set up a biotechnology laboratory and conducted seminars for young faculty and students; we published the first paper on outcomes from these activities in April 20211 . In this chapter, we summarize the history and current status of biotechnological research, policy of conversion to Outcome-Based Education (OBE) for higher education in the Philippines, and current status of biotechnology-related seminars at the University of the Philippines Diliman. In addition, details of the setting up of the biotechnology laboratory and seminars for young faculty and students in BUTC are presented. Finally, we propose improvements for the stable implementation of biotechnological research in State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in the Philippines.

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