In celebration of Verde Island Passage Center for Oceanographic Research and Aquatic Life Sciences’ (VIP CORALS’) 1st Anniversary on February 14, 2019, the center conducted a seminar series entitled “Waves and Ripples at the Heart of the Coral Triangle”. The event tackled about the importance of the different marine-related topics by invited speakers from different institutions.
Left to Right: Dr. Jayvee A. Saco (Center Head, VIP CORALS), Joseph Ascalon (SEA Institute), Dr. Dexter dela Cruz (Southern Cross University), Emilia Sabban (VIP CORALS), Talna dela Cruz (PM-TMEM), Dr. Vanessa Baria-Rodriguez (UP MSI), Dr. Emma Ballad (BFAR Reg II), Nero Austero (National Museum), Dr. Wilfred Santiañez (UP MSI), Dr. Renan Bobiles (Bicol University), Najeen Rula (VIP CORALS) and Joshua Vacarizas (VIP CORALS)
The seminar was commenced by Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo, Batangas State University’s President, with his welcoming remarks who conveyed his acknowledgement of the existence of the center in protecting and researching in the Verde Island passage. It was followed by Dr. Renan U. Bobiles from Bicol University, who discussed about the importance of marine protected areas. Dr. Emma Ballad, from BFAR Region II, incorporated the connection between socio-environmental economics and the marine protected areas in the Philippines. Dr. Vanessa Baria-Rodriguez, from the University of the Philippines Marine Science Institute (UP MSI), highlighted the significance of coral reefs to the oceans, its inhabitants and even to us, humans. While Dr. Wilfred Santianez from the same University emphasized on seaweed farming ecological and economic value. Southern Cross University researcher, Dr. Dexter Dela Cruz’s main discussion was concerned on coral reef restoration and some of its consequences. SEA-VIP personnel, Mr. Joal Ascalon, share up some of their institution’s work-related activities in engaging citizens to the science world and the importance of their contribution in battling climate change. Meanwhile, Ms. Talna de la Cruz, from UP MSI, tackled the input of science and communication. Moreover, National Museum of the Philippines’ staff, Mr. Nero Burner, opened his discussion on maritime archeology.
Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo (top) commencing the event and Dr. Jayvee A. Saco (bottom) concluding the anniversary
The event was then concluded by Dr. Jayvee A. Saco, Center Head of VIP CORALS, with his warm message towards the invited speakers as well as to the students, faculty and others that have attended to the said event.
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