VIP CORALS attended the 15th National Symposium on Marine Science (PAMS15)

VIP CORALS attended the 15th National Symposium on Marine Science (PAMS15) held at Aklan State University, Banga Aklan last July 4-6, 2019.

VIP CORALS Focal Persons, Research Faculty, and Research Assistants (OJT)

On July 3, VIP CORALS attended the Telemetry Workshop organized by LAMAVE (Large Marine Vertebrates Research Institute Philippines).

On July 4, Dr. Jayvee Saco shared the vision, mission, and mandates of the marine research center of Batangas State University, the Verde Island Passage Center for Oceanographic Research and Aquatic Life Sciences (VIP CORALS).

The following day, July 5, Joshua Vacarizas and Jovy Ann Valera presented the results of their research entitled “Hard coral cover diversity of Isla Verde: result of first assessment and plan for establishing monitoring stations,” and “Draft linkage map for the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra generated from ddRAD sequencing,” respectively, during the Poster Presentation session.

Najeen Arabelle Rula presented the results of the study entitled “Preliminary Assessment of Seaweed-Seagrass Communities at the Southern Part of Verde Island, Batangas City, Philippines.”

The VIP CORALS’ research assistants also presented during the Poster Presentation session.

Alvin Tabuga presented the results of their undergraduate research about the seagrass community structure in two selected areas in Calatagan, Batangas.

Jade Symon Binay presented the research entitled “Phytoplankton Composition of Selected Shallow Marine Ecosystems in Verde Island, Philippines.”

Leah Mae Sanchez presented the research entitled “Preliminary Inventory of Fish and Invertebrates in Verde Island, Batangas City, Philippines.”

Donalyn Ellysa Gamier (left) and Danica Abigail Velasco (right) presented the results of their undergraduate research entitled “Geometric Morphometric Analysis on the Shell of Green Mussell (Perna viridis) from Two Culturing Sites in Cavite Province”.

Alecs Persia presented the research entitled “Beach forest characterisation in Barangay San Agapito, Verde Island, Philippines.” Dr. Jayvee Saco also presented the study about building the capability of high school teachers on doing marine biodiversity, which is an initiative of Batangas State University during the Oral Presentation session.

Dr. Jayvee Saco was also elected as the Vice President for Luzon.

Oathtaking of the newly elected officers of the Philippine Association of Marine Science (PAMS)

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