Two new records of Bopyridae (Crustacea: Isopoda) infesting brachyuran crabs from Japan


Jonel M Corral, Yumi Henmi, and Gyo Itani


Two species of bopyrid isopods infesting brachyuran crabs were first recorded from Japan. Allokepon hendersoni (Giard and Bonnier, 1888) of the subfamily Keponinae, infesting Charybdis bimaculata, was collected in Tosa Bay, Pacific coast of southern Japan. This species is a branchial parasite of portunid crabs, so far collected in India infesting C. callianassa and in China infesting C. bimaculata. Gigantione tau An, Yu and Markham, 2009 of the subfamily Pseudioninae, infesting Carcinoplax longimanus, was collected in Tosa Bay and Wakasa Bay, Sea of Japan. This species was described from the same host crab in China. Adding these species to Japanese fauna, 17 species of bopyrid isopods are known to infest brachyuran crabs in Japan.

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